The Holy Eucharist
From the earliest times, Christians gathered in worship for the “Breaking of Bread.” Acts 2:42 and Acts 2:46-47 record this ancient way Christians assembled to re-member Jesus and to be with one another. “Breaking of Bread” is also known as the Holy Eucharist, the Divine Liturgy, the Mass, and Holy Communion. It is one of the oldest rituals in human experience.
The “Breaking of Bread” in the Episcopal Church is called the Holy Eucharist, meaning “Sacred Thanks- giving” in Greek. There are two parts of the Holy Eucharist – the Word of God and the Holy Communion.
By actively listening to Holy Scripture, we engage the Word of God. Jesus Christ is the Word, and we embrace Him as the Word through Scripture, homily, creed, prayers, the Peace, and fellowship with one another.
The Holy Communion brings us together in unity with Christ. Common Union, communion, is uniting us with God and with one another. We are the Body of Christ. The outward sign of our Common Union is receiving the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ Jesus.
From the earliest times, Christians gathered in worship for the “Breaking of Bread.” Acts 2:42 and Acts 2:46-47 record this ancient way Christians assembled to re-member Jesus and to be with one another. “Breaking of Bread” is also known as the Holy Eucharist, the Divine Liturgy, the Mass, and Holy Communion. It is one of the oldest rituals in human experience.
The “Breaking of Bread” in the Episcopal Church is called the Holy Eucharist, meaning “Sacred Thanks- giving” in Greek. There are two parts of the Holy Eucharist – the Word of God and the Holy Communion.
By actively listening to Holy Scripture, we engage the Word of God. Jesus Christ is the Word, and we embrace Him as the Word through Scripture, homily, creed, prayers, the Peace, and fellowship with one another.
The Holy Communion brings us together in unity with Christ. Common Union, communion, is uniting us with God and with one another. We are the Body of Christ. The outward sign of our Common Union is receiving the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ Jesus.